Supporting documentation may include links in the score card to webpages or documents, examples of policies, procedures, workflows, patient information, quality metrics data, or other items that demonstrate ways to operationalize guideline recommendations.
All data submitted to the Bree Collaborative will be used to populate dashboards and all participants will be de-identified.
Data Collection tools for baseline data can be found in the Bree Collaborative Implementation Guide under the Perinatal Behavioral Health section. The collection tools can be found in the Metrics and Evaluation Tools section and are listed by audience type.
Those submitting baseline data should fill out the data collection tab that is applicable to their role or “audience type” (i.e. pediatrician, outpatient, hospital, etc.) and the equity tab.
The completed score cards can be submitted using the form below, along with any supporting documentation. You may also email a zip file to: Please put Perinatal Behavioral Health Baseline Data in the subject line.
Describe awards submssions and link to awards page
describe and link
Evaluation “score cards” are available for most Bree guidelines. The purpose of these score cards it to collect standardized data on the extent to which organizational policies, contracting, programs, and care processes are concordant with the guidelines. Score Cards can be found in our IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE.
These score cards are used for a variety of purposes including awards, populating dashboards, and reports. (more description)
This tool can be found on our website. It is modeled after the CDC Question Bank and allows multiple organizations to use the same questions when they perform PDSAs or evaluate programs or implementation projects. The aim of the question bank is to help organizations use validated questions or survey tools and reduce the burden of evaluation work and improve the validity of their findings.Our Question Bank can be found HERE
Submit a survey that you have used (expand)
Each year the Bree chooses a topic area to develop new case studies that can illustrate impact and demonstrate the “how to” of implementation. Your project doesn’t need to be on one of our defined topics in order to submit a suggestion, we are always open to new and interesting ways that organizations have used our guidelines.
2024 – Opioid Prescribing and Treatment
2025 – TBD
The Bree Collaborative has developed a new evaluation design process for all new guidelines. An evaluation subcommittees will create an evaluation plan and tools, in parallel with the guidelines development, that the Bree staff will operationalize.
For guidelines developed before 2023, Bree staff (describe)
We are using both qualitative and quantitative methods for evaluation of our guidelines and are interested in evaluating five broad areas of our work:
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Phone Conference ID: 548 363 852#
Phone Conference ID: 664 586 680#
Evaluation design, planning, and tool development is still in process for the 2023 Bree guidelines on Diabetes Care. If you are interested in participating in the evaluation design process, please contact Karie Nicholas, Evaluation and Measurement Manager, at
Evaluation design, planning, and tool development is still in process for the 2023 Bree guidelines on Complex Discharge. If you are interested in participating in the evaluation design process, please contact Karie Nicholas, Evaluation and Measurement Manager, at