Foundation Program Sites

Evaluation Resources Home Page

The Bree is working on building out resources for evaluation planning, execution, analysis, and reporting. Below are descriptions and links to some of the resources and tools we have currently available.

Evaluation Survey Question Bank

Purpose and Rational

The purpose of the bank is to provide sample validated survey questions that organizations may utilize within their evaluation tools to produce results that can be compared with other entities. 

The CDC has also developed a survey question bank for standard surveys. You can find out more about their question bank here.

What is the Evaluation Survey Question Bank?

The Bree Collaborative is interested in finding new ways to support data collection and reporting for projects focused on the implementation our guidelines. To that end, we have developed this collaborative question bank, where organizations can draw from and share evaluation questions with the goal of aligning evaluations of implementation projects.

The Bree Collaborative publishes questions used, or proposed for use, for different purposes, including but not limited to: Bree work group participation, case study development, Bree Guidelines project evaluation surveys, and other similar purposes.

All questions developed by the Bree or submitted by other organizations include standardized methodological information such as which audiences they are intended for, question format, measurement scale, appropriate or recommended method(s) of analysis, and validation information as seen in the structure below:


If the question requires an introduction


The content of the question

Answer options:

What options audiences have for answering the questions (example: “happens routinely, never happens”)


Whether the question is constructed as a single select, item ranking, text, etc.


How the question is being measured (example: count, qualitative word coding, likert scale, 1-10, etc.)


Recommended way to aggregate or measure responses.


Whether the question has been reviewed or validated and how it was done.


Who the question was intended for


May include name of a specific tool the question was taken from or modified from, specific groups the question has been deployed with or other supporting information

Links to full surveys that the Bree has leveraged for evaluation purposes can also be found within each section. This includes name of the topic, publishing institution, descriptions, scale, audiences, and notes.

Why use our question bank?

When multiple organizations ask the same questions in the same way it can support better data exchange and improve evaluation validity. As we collect more data from participating organizations, the Bree will publish information on question validity and the methods for validating the questions. Organizations participating in the collaborative question bank may make data requests or be considered for case study development and support.

How to use the question bank?

Any organization can use these questions to create their own survey. Question (domains) are found on the tabs to the left on this page. Clicking on the tabs will bring you to all questions in that (domain). If you are drawing questions from this bank to support your own evaluation efforts we ask that you let us know which questions you used and what you used them for. To report how you are using our questions, scroll down to the form at the bottom of this page.

Organizations can also add to the question bank by submitting any questions they are using for projects that aim to evaluate the implementation or use of the Bree guidelines. To add questions, simply submit your question in the standardized format (See the “what is the Evaluation Survey Question Bank?” tab above) via email to the Evaluation and Measurement Manager at, or scroll down to the form at the bottom of this page.

What will happen if I report on or add to this question bank?

If you add to the question bank your questions will be uploaded so that other organizations can use them. This will include the name of the organization that has submitted the question and the specific guideline topic it was used for. If you submit a report that you have used a question from the question bank you may be contacted by the Foundation for Health Care Quality to provide more information about your uses. Basic information on questions may be reported out publicly, such as how many, what type, or general location of organizations that are using specific questions to evaluate guidelines implementation projects.

Organizations can also report that they have used surveys or questions from other question banks. The Bree will track other surveys or resources used and make information about them available to here.

Sharing Data

We highly encourage organizations to submit the results of their survey or evaluation, but it is not required in order to use the bank. Sharing de-identified data can help us generate a sample size large enough for validity and reliability testing. If you decide to share your data with the Bree we will not publish any identifying data without your permission, however we reserve the right to publish highly aggregated data on our dashboard. An example of highly aggregated data is: “X number of organizations in Washington State found that cost was a major barrier to implementing Y guideline”.

To submit your data please email the Evaluation and Measurement Manager at

Other Resources for Creating Evaluation Surveys

Below you will find a list of resources to support and help align your evaluation with other Bree stakeholders.

Evaluation Checklist, Adapted from SAMHSA

Likert Scale Examples, Iowa State University

Harvard Survey Design Tips

University of Wisconsin, Questionnaire Design: Asking questions with a purpose

UT HealthHuston Institute for Implementation Science WHO Training

Sierra Health Foundation, We did it ourselves: an evaluation guide book

Validated Surveys

What will I find here?

This page contains a list and links to complete, validated surveys to use for evaluation projects.

Evaluation Tool Depot

What will I find here?

This page contains templates, examples, tools for evaluation planning, data collection and reporting.