Foundation Program Sites


The spread of Communication and Resolution Programs (CRPs) stands to improve communication among patients, providers, institutions, and regulatory agencies. With so many stakeholder groups standing behind this shift in healthcare communication, the Foundation for Healthcare Quality was easily able to convene a wide range of partners to add their unique perspective to the CRP effort. Below is a list of organizations and agencies which have been crucial partners in facilitating CRP growth throughout Washington.


The Washington State Department of Health houses the Washington Medical Commission (WMC). It is the purpose and responsibility of WMC to protect the public by assuring quality healthcare is provided by physicians and physician assistants. The commission establishes, monitors, and enforces qualifications for licensure, consistent standards of practice, and continuing competency. The WMC has partnered with the Foundation for Healthcare Quality to develop a Statement of Understanding about the CRP effort, and the expertise of the CRP Certification Review Panel.

Learn more about CRP and the Washington Medical Commission here.

Learn about WMC’s procedure for processing CRP certified cases here.


The Collaborative for Accountability and Improvement is a coalition of individuals and organizations committed to a better way of handling patient harm from medical care, CRPs. Members of the Collaborative produce CRP best practice tools and resources, training curricula, on-site services, shared learning experiences, CRP innovations, policy recommendations, and research. Learn more about the Collaborative for Accountability and Improvement here.