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Feedback on FHCQ Social Need and Health Equity Work 2023
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Future Social Need and Health Equity Work
1. Which of the following would support further action to address social need and health equity in Washington state? (Select all that apply)
A. Further development of best practices related to other social needs and health equity topics.
B. Small group implementation collaboratives that provide support for projects related to social need and health equity.
C. A landscape assessment of Washington state’s existing capacity to address social needs and health equity.
D. Development of a strategic plan to improve social need screening and data collection activities as well as expanding coordination for intervention activities.
E. An ongoing quality improvement collaborative that brings together organizations to share data, provide benchmarks for success, and encourage adoption of best practices.
F. N/A
G. Other (please describe)
1A. If clicked option A, please provide suggested additional topics
1G. Other (Please Explain)
2.Which of the following would you/your organization have the capacity to participate in? (Select all that apply)
A. Further development of best practices related to other social needs and health equity topics.
B. Small group implementation collaboratives that provide support for projects related to social need and health equity.
C. A landscape assessment of Washington state’s existing capacity to address social needs and health equity.
D. Development of a strategic plan to improve social need screening and data collection activities as well as expanding coordination for intervention activities.
E. An ongoing quality improvement collaborative that brings together organizations to share data, provide benchmarks for success, and encourage adoption of best practices.
F. N/A
G. Other (please describe)
2A. If clicked option A, please provide suggested additional topics
2G. Other (Please Explain)
3. Do you have any additional recommendations for state-wide next steps that would support further action to address social need and health equity in Washington state?
Next steps to prepare for implementation of current reports
4. In your organization, what is a priority work area to assessing and addressing social need and health equity? (i.e., SDOH screenings, data standardization, education staff, etc.)
5. What tools or resources would be useful for the FHCQ Social Needs and Equity steering committee to develop to support adoption of guidelines in your organization? (Select all that apply)
A. Checklist of action items
B. Webinars
C. Implementation guide
D. Implementation collaboratives
E. Workflow tools
F. Screening tools
G. Patient education materials
H. Infographics
I. Learning Collaboratives
J. Online training modules
K. Metrics
L. Other (Please Explain)
5L. Other (Please Explain)
6. Please select the FHCQ Social Needs and Equity report(s) you intend to utilize
A. Advancing Health Equity
B. Social Need Interventions
C. Social Need Screening
D. Storing and Sharing Data
E. None of the above
7. If you did select a guideline(s) above, what are the motivations for you or your organization to utilize the FHCQ Social Needs and Equity Guidelines?
8. If you did not select a guideline(s) above, why do you or your organization not plan to utilize use the FHCQ Social Needs and Equity Guidelines?
9. What barriers exist to implementing FHCQ Social Needs and Equity Guidelines in your setting? (Please pick your top 3 barriers)
A. Time
B. Cost
C. Lack of business case-evidence and/or economic reward
D. Lack of personnel
E. Lack of availability and credibility of data
F. Lack of Implementation metrics
G. Lack of infrastructure capacity (e.g., EHR system, broadband issues, lack of integration with behavioral health systems etc.)
H. Lack of staff or leadership buy-in
I. Lack of staff knowledge
J. Staff attitudes
K. Lack of alignment with other priorities
L. Guidelines specific factors (e.g., evidence, plausibility, complexity, applicability)
M. Other priorities
9G. Please describe the type of lack of infrastructure you or your organization may be experiencing Lack of infrastructure capacity (e.g., EHR system, broadband issues, lack of integration with behavioral health systems etc.)
9M. Other priorities (Please explain)
10. What facilitators or factors current exist that support the implementation of FHCQ Social Needs and Equity Guidelines in your setting? (Please pick your top 3 facilitators)
A. Time
B. Cost
C. Business case-evidence and/or economic reward
D. Sufficient Personnel
E. Availability and credibility of data
F. Implementation metrics
G. Infrastructure capacity (e.g., EHR system, broadband issues, lack of integration with behavioral health systems etc.)
H. Staff or Leadership buy-in
I. Staff knowledge
J. Staff attitudes
K. Alignment with other priorities
L. Guidelines specific factors (e.g., evidence, plausibility, complexity, applicability)
M. Other priorities
10M. Other priorities (Please explain)
Experience with FHCQ's Social Needs & Health Equity Work
Please use the scale 5=strongly agree, 4=agree, 3=neutral, 2=disagree, 1=strongly disagree to answer the following questions
11. I had a positive experience as a FHCQ Social Needs and Equity workgroup and or steering committee member.
12. My goals of participating in the FHCQ Social Needs and Equity workgroup and or steering committee were met.
13. I would recommend being a part of a future FHCQ Social Needs and Equity workgroup to a colleague.
Experience with FHCQ's Social Needs & Health Equity Work Continued
14. How could FHCQ staff further support convening and guideline development within the workgroup?
General Feedback
15. With which sector do you most strongly identify?
A. Delivery Sites
B. Health Care Professionals
C. Health Plan
D. Patients and Family
E. Private Purchaser
F. Public Purchaser
G. Public Health
H. Community Group
I. QI Organization
K. State Agency
L. Other (Please Explain)
15L. Other (Please Explain)
16. Please let us know if you have any other comments or questions below. Thank you for your feedback.
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